The Ultimate Guide on Squeal-Free Disc Brakes
Bicycle disc brakes can squeal for a number of reasons. This squeal can result from a combination of factors, or just one of them. Here are some common causes:
Contamination: The most common reason for squealing is contamination of the brake pads or rotors. This can be from oil, bike lube, dirt, or even finger grease. When these contaminants are sandwiched between the brake pad and the rotor, they can cause a high-pitched squeal.
Glazed Pads or Rotor: If a brake pad gets overheated, it can develop a glazed surface which can be shiny and hard. This glazed surface can produce a squeal when braking. The rotor can also develop a similar surface after repeated heavy braking.
Pad Material: Some harder brake pad compounds might be noisier than others. Some materials, especially metallic pads, tend to be noisier but offer better performance and wear characteristics. Noise and squeal in brakes have distinct characteristics and causes. Noise typically occurs upon the initial contact of the rotor, especially when it's cold or wet. This noise dissipates within 1-5 seconds as heat and friction build up, leading to a silent operation. On the other hand, squeal can arise due to various issues like contamination, improper alignment, air in the brake system, sticky pistons, or incorrect pad bedding-in procedures
Organic or resin pads are generally make less inital noise but may wear out faster and provide less braking power in wet conditions.
Rotor Design: The design of the rotor can sometimes be a factor. Vented or drilled rotors can sometimes make more noise than solid rotors, but they help in dissipating heat better.
Incorrect Alignment: If the brake caliper is not aligned correctly with the rotor, it can cause the pads to contact the rotor unevenly. This can create a harmonic vibration, leading to squeal.
Vibration: Any sort of vibration can result in noise. If the brake components (like the pads or caliper) are vibrating at a frequency within the range of human hearing, you'll hear a squeal. This is why some brake pads have anti-squeal shims or compounds applied to their backsides.
Insufficient Bed-In: New brake pads and rotors have to go through a bed-in process. This process lays down a thin layer of pad material onto the rotor surface. If this process is not done correctly, the brakes might squeal.
Brake set up
- Clean the rotor and pads with a disc brake cleaner And finish with scotch brite pad nothing to abrasive that will scratch the rotor.
- Ensure the alignment of the caliper and rotor is correct.
- Make sure that mounting bolts are tightened to the correct torque.
- If you're frequently experiencing glazed pads or overheated rotors, consider upgrading to larger rotors or brakes with better heat dissipation properties.
- Perform the bed-in process properly when installing new pads or rotors.
Remember, while a squeal can be annoying, the key concern is the brake's performance. If you're unsure about the performance or safety of your brakes, it's always best to have them checked by a professional.
Other Causes
When the pistons in disc brake calipers are sticking or not retracting properly, you might hear noises during braking or even while simply riding. Here's why:
Constant Contact: If the piston doesn't retract fully, the brake pad can maintain light contact with the rotor. This can cause a continuous rubbing or grinding noise as the rotor turns. Over time, this constant contact can generate enough heat to cause other problems like glazing of the pad or rotor.
Uneven Pressure: Sticking pistons can cause uneven pressure on the brake pad. One side might press harder than the other. This uneven pressure can cause the rotor to flex slightly, leading to a pulsing sensation and noise.
Vibration: Any inconsistency in the brake system, like a sticking piston, can introduce vibration. As the brake pad contacts the rotor unevenly or intermittently, it can create a resonating vibration, which can manifest as noise.
Wear and Tear: Over time, a sticking piston can cause excessive wear on one part of the brake pad or rotor. This uneven wear can create ridges or grooves which can produce noise when braking.
Contamination: A piston might stick due to dirt, debris, or corrosion. These contaminants can sometimes also make their way onto the brake pad or rotor, leading to noise.
Heat: Sticking pistons can lead to increased friction and thus more heat. Excessive heat can lead to brake fade, glazing of the brake pad, or even warping of the rotor, all of which can produce noise.
Clean and Lubricate: Sometimes, cleaning the pistons and the surrounding areas, and then applying a suitable lubricant (like silicone-based grease) can help. However, care must be taken not to contaminate the brake pads or rotor.
Replace Seals: If the seals around the pistons are damaged or worn out, they might not allow the piston to retract properly. In such cases, the seals might need replacement.
Bleed the Brakes: Air bubbles or old brake fluid in the system can affect piston movement. Regularly bleeding the brakes ensures the brake fluid is fresh and free from air, which can help in smooth piston operation.
Check for Damage: Physical damage to the caliper or piston, though rare, can cause sticking. If this is the case, parts might need to be repaired or replaced.
Always ensure that any work done on brakes, whether cleaning, lubricating, or more intensive repair, is done correctly. Brakes are a critical safety component, and any issues should be addressed promptly and thoroughly. if you need more help please fee free to call or email us direct
Address: Gorilla Brakes Limited, Alston House, White Cross Business Park, Lancaster, LA1 4XF
Phone: 0800 772 0937 - Landline 01524 297 046